PHP Access Modifiers Example
In this example we will see PHP access modifiers example. In PHP default access modifier is public. PHP provide different types of modifiers like private, public or protected. Properties and methods can have access modifiers which control where they can be accessed.
There are three access modifiers:
- the property or method can be accessed from everywhere. This is defaultprotected
- the property or method can be accessed within the class and by classes derived from that classprivate
- the property or method can ONLY be accessed within the class
Example 1 : Public
class parent
public $name="websolutionstuff";
echo $this->name."<br/>";
} class child extends parent
function show()
echo $this->name;
} $obj= new child;
echo $obj->name."<br/>";
Output :
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Example 2 : Private
class Websolutionstuff
private $name="websolutionstuff";
private function show()
echo "This is private method of parent class";
}class child extends Websolutionstuff
function show1()
echo $this->name;
$obj= new child;
Output :
Fatal error: Call to private method Websolutionstuff::show()....
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Example 3 : Protected
class Websolutionstuff
protected $a=200;
protected $b=100;
function add()
echo $sum=$this->a+$this->b."<br/>";
class child extends Websolutionstuff
function sub()
echo $sub=$this->a-$this->b."<br/>";
$obj= new child;
Output :
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