Laravel 9 Toastr Notifications Example
In this tutorial, I will show you laravel 9 toastr notifications example. Using toastr.js you can display a success message, warning message, and error with the help of a session in laravel 9. So, in this post, I will show you how to add toastr notifications in laravel 9 and how to add custom messages in toastr notification.
There are many types of notification available to display different messages in laravel 9 or PHP like display messages using bootstrap modal, simple pop-up notification using jquery, display notification using flash message, and toastr message notification. Also, you can customize as per your requirements like a progress bar, close button, the timing of notification showing.
So, let’s see laravel 9 toastr notifications, how to add toastr notifications in laravel 9.
First, you need to add bootstrap CSS, toastr notification jquery, toastr CSS, and toastr js in your main view blade file, I have added below CDN in <head> tag.
Read Also : Laravel 9 Toastr Notifications Example