How To Live Search In Laravel 9 Using Meilisearch
In this article, we will see how to live search in laravel 9 using Meilisearch. Here we will learn live search in laravel 9 using livewire and Meilisearch.
So, we will create a custom search in laravel 9. Meilisearch is an open-source, lightning-fast, and hyper-relevant search engine that fits effortlessly into your apps, websites, and workflow. Meilisearch is plug and play and flexible plugin.
Also, we will install laravel livewire in the application and create a full-text search in laravel 9. You can customize the meilisearch as per requirements.
So, let’s see the search using livewire and meilisearch in laravel 9.
Step 1: Install Laravel 9
Step 2: Install Laravel Breeze
Step 3: Create Model and Migration
Step 4: Create Database Seeder
Step 5: Install Livewire
Step 6: Create Component
Step 7: Install Laravel Scout
Step 8: Create Blad File
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