How To Create Zip File Using Ziparchive in Laravel

1 min readFeb 1, 2021


In this tutorial i will show you how to create zip file using zipArchive in laravel. Some times client’s have requirements to have functionalities like create zip file for documentation or images and download it.

So, at that time we can find many laravel packages to perform this task. But here, i am show you to how to create zip file in laravel using zipArchive without any package. Laravel provide ZipArchive class for create zip file in laravel,So i will use ZipArchive in laravel.

In below code i have created one function in laravel controller and added ZipArchive class.

Note : I have created Zip_Example folder in public folder and added some images , So you need to also create one folder and add some file also.

<?phpnamespace App\Http\Controllers;use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use ZipArchive;
public function ZipArchiveExample()
$zip = new ZipArchive;
$fileName = ''; if ($zip->open(public_path($fileName), ZipArchive::CREATE) === TRUE)
$files = \File::files(public_path('Zip_Example'));
foreach ($files as $key => $value) {
$file = basename($value);
$zip->addFile($value, $file);
return response()->download(public_path($fileName));




Written by Websolutionstuff

I am Laravel and PHP Developer. I have also Good Knowledge of JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap and REST API. Visit Website:

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