How To Create Multi Language Website In Laravel 9
In this article, we will see how to create a multi language website in laravel 9. In this example, we will see the laravel multilingual website. If you are looking for multi language support website in laravel 9 then It helps you how to add multiple language in laravel 9. we will use laravel trans() to create a multilingual language website.
So, let’s see laravel 9 create multi language website, how to create multi language website in PHP, laravel 9 localization, change the website language dynamically in laravel 9, multi language website in laravel 9.
Laravel’s localization features provide a convenient way to retrieve text in different languages, allowing you to easily support multiple languages within your application. So, here we will show you how to create localization or laravel dynamic language.
Step 1: Install Laravel 9Step 2: Create a Localization FileStep 3: Add Route in web.phpStep 4: Create ControllerStep 5: Create Blade File